Friday, December 31, 2010

Deer Repellent for Plants and Trees

Deer are cute but boy can they destroy your garden in a hurry. They will eat your roses, trample your flower beds, and scrape your trees with their antlers.

You can try to make loud noises to scare them and it will work at first, but then they'll realize you're just a crazy person and learn to ignore you. You can build a fence around your property but that's not only expensive but it doesn't look good. Deer resistant plants are just that deer resistant, not deer proof. If a deer is hungry he will eat a deer resistant plant. I want to plant what I want anyways, not just what a deer won't eat.

I then tried all the crazy remedies like peeing in my garden, hanging bars of Irish Spring soap from my shrubs and trees (yeah looks as awful as it sounds) and even hanging bags of human hair (just a little creepy). These all worked to some extent but the deer just ate around them. I don't think the neighbors liked me peeing in my garden twice a week either.

I finally gave up for a season and watched as my yard slowly became the worst one on the street. If you want a fast way to lose friends in a cul de sac let your yard look like shambles while everyone is worried about their property values. I finally gave in and asked for some advice. Everyone told me the same thing. That I'm a moron and its easy to keep the deer out of the garden and away from your trees. Use a commercial deer repellent.

They are so easy to use and work like a charm. You just spray the plants and trees you want to protect. The deer repellent works because it has a bitter taste that the deer don't enjoy. It lasts for 3 - 4 months and won't wash off in the rain. Every three months I just go out and spray the garden and plants I want to protect and I'm done.

My yard now looks great. The deer have moved on to a different neighbors salad bar. Forget about soap, bags of human hair and "deer proof" plants, just spray deer repellent for plants once every three months and you are set.